GeneticsMyBlueDotsRare loss-of-function variants in HECTD2 and AKAP11 confer risk of bipolar disorder MyBlueDots13 hours ago01 mins Scientists at deCODE genetics/Amgen have identified associations between bipolar disorder and rare loss-of-function variants in two genes. Go to Source Post navigation Previous: Most in-depth simulation of brain metabolism yet reveals new targets for future dementia treatmentsNext: Solving a mystery in vision science: Zebrafish study shows how retinal cells maintain spacing needed for optimal vision
Solving a mystery in vision science: Zebrafish study shows how retinal cells maintain spacing needed for optimal vision MyBlueDots13 hours ago 0
Most in-depth simulation of brain metabolism yet reveals new targets for future dementia treatments MyBlueDots13 hours ago 0
Study confirms accuracy of blood test for early Alzheimer’s detection in Asian populations MyBlueDots14 hours ago 0